How To Play ASL Fingerspeller for the Oculus Quest
Set Up
Download the APK for ASL Fingerspeller for the Oculus Quest by clicking one of the buttons below.
If you have not sideloaded an app onto your quest before, follow the steps in this article to learn how.
The steps are:
Enable developer mode on your Quest
Install SideQuest on your computer
Allow USB debugging between your quest and your computer
Install the APK by dragging the file onto the top left corner of SideQuest
Alternatively, find the “Install APK file from folder on computer” button in the top right of SideQuest, and install through file explorer
First ensure that hand tracking is enabled on your Quest. To do this:
Go to settings from the home menu
Select Device
Select Hands and Controllers
Enable Hand Tracking
You can also enable Auto Enable Hands or Controllers
To launch the game follow these steps:
From the home menu, go to your library
Select Unknown Sources (from the left in the old menu, or the top right in the new menu)
Find and select ASL Fingerspeller
If you were using controllers, put them down
Instructional Video
If words aren’t your thing, watch this video to learn how to play!
An instructional video that will show you how to install and play the game.
My presentation video which explains a little more about why and how I made the game.
A second instructional video that walks you through the gameplay of the video.